Artikkelit jotka sisältää sanan 'work studies'

Risto Lauhanen. Kaivinkoneiden tuottavuus, työnjälki ja kustannukset maanmuokkauksessa turvemailla.
English title: The productivity, work quality and the operation costs of excavators in site preparation on peatlands.
Avainsanat: excavator; work studies; mounding; scarification
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Four excavators were studied in site preparation in different excavation difficulty classes (1-3) during the unfrozen period in the central and the northern Ostrobothnia in western Finland. In mounding the mean productivity (per effective hour) of the excavators was 0.17 ha h-1 and in scarification 0.32 ha h-1, respectively. The work quality was acceptable. In mounding and scarification, the mean number of planting positions was about 3600 per hectare. The mean height of the mound was about 28 cm, the mean dimensions of the scarified surface being 330 cm x 75 cm. The operation costs were 268-388 FIM per hour, if the price of the excavator was 400 000-1000 000 FIM. Key words: excavator, mounding, scarification, work studies.
  • Lauhanen, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Kannus Research Station, FIN-69100 Kannus, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Risto Lauhanen. Kaivukaluston aiheuttamat puustovauriot kunnostusojituksessa.
English title: Tree damage caused by excavating machines in ditch network maintenance.
Avainsanat: forest drainage; excavator; ditch cleaning; work studies; backhoe; ditch digging; environmental protection
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An inventory of tree damage caused by five excavators, four backhoes and one small-size single-track backhoe was carried out in western Finland during the frost free season. The proportion of damaged trees was 1.1-2.4 % in tree stands ditched using backhoes and excavators, if the ditch lines had been opened in advance. The corresponding proportion caused by the single-track backhoe was 0.9%, if the ditch lines had not been opened in advance. The damage to tree stands was affected by the machine type, the work type and the width of the opened ditch line. Excavators caused more stem damage in the ditch cleaning than backhoes did (p<0.02). The mean distances of the damaged trees from the center line of the ditch were 226-264 cm on the work sites ditched using backhoes and excavators. The mean DBH of the damaged trees was 8-10 cm depending on work and machine type. The optimum width of the ditch line for the different machine types was assumed to be 400-500 cm when considering the growth losses of tree stand, the tree damage and the work productivity. Keywords: backhoe, ditch cleaning, ditch digging, environmental protection, excavator, forest drainage, work studies R. Lauhanen, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Kannus Research Station, FIN-69101 Kannus, Finland
  • Lauhanen, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Kannus Research Station, FIN-69101 Kannus, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Risto Lauhanen. Kaivukaluston tuottavuus, työnjalki ja kustannukset kunnostusojituksessa.
English title: The productivity, work quality and the costs of employing backhoes and excavators in ditch network maintenance.
Avainsanat: forest drainage; additional ditching; ditch cleaning; excavating machines; work studies
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Four backhoes and four excavators were studied in different excavation difficulty classes (1-5) during the unfrozen period in the western part of Finland. The productivity (per effective hour) of the backhoes in ditch digging (additional ditching) was 54-172 m/h and 68-202 m/h in ditch cleaning. The productivity of the excavators was 114-289 m/h and 88-250 m/h, respectively. Productivity decreased as the difficulty class increased. It was affected by the width of the ditch line opening, the stoniness, and ditch depth. Productivity seemed to be affected by the machine operator, too. The work quality was acceptable. The operating costs were 268-388 FIM per hour for the machines costing 400 000-1000 000 FIM. Key words: additional ditching, ditch cleaning, excavating machines, forest drainage, work studies
  • Lauhanen, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Kannus Research Station, FIN-69100 Kannus, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)

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