Artikkelit kirjoittajalta Martin Zobel

Martin Zobel. Viron suot ja niiden käyttö.
English title: Estonian mires and their utilization.
Avainsanat: succession; Classification; vegetation; Nature conservation; Estonia
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In this paper, the mire classification system and its development in Estonia are reviewed. In addition the utilization of mires for peat harvesting, forestry, agriculture and conservation are outlined. There are two main groups of mires in Estonia — an eastern and a western type. Mire vegetation has been classified according to site conditions, community composition and structure. During the primary succession of mire communities, a number of fen communities converge to a smaller number of bog communities. The post-drainage succession is also convergent. Estonian mires are intensively utilized for peat harvesting. There is a clear need for a comprehensive mire protection and utilization plan. Keywords: Classification, Estonia, nature conservation, succession, vegetation
  • Zobel, Department of Botany and Ecology, Tartu University, Lai St. 40, Tartu, Estonia Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Martin Zobel. Maan happiolot soistuvissa havumetsissä.
English title: Soil oxygen conditions in paludifying boreal forest sites.
Avainsanat: Coniferous forest; oxygen conditions; paludification; suc­cession
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Soil oxygen conditions were characterized with the help of polycarbonate tubes, which were filled with water and inserted into the soil. The oxygen content of the water inside the tube was measured and compared with that in conditions of full aeration. Five forest sites were studied. Three of them form a moisture gradient — mesophyte spruce forest (MSF), paludifying spruce forest (PSF) and paludified pine forest (PPF). For comparison, three other sites were included: a dry pine forest (DPF), an alder carr mire (ACR) and an ombrotrophic bog. Soil aeration conditions were the most unfavourable at the PSF site at the beginning of June; the lowest values being recorded in depressions with Sphagnum girgensohnii. Considering the whole vegetation period, the bog site demonstrated the lowest soil aeration level. At the alder carr site, soil aeration conditions were dependent on precipitation. In forest sites the lowest aeration level was observed at the beginning of June, but in the ACR and bog sites, another minimum occurred in September after heavy rains. Keywords: Coniferous forest, oxygen conditions, paludification, succession
  • Zobel, Department of Botany and Ecology, Tartu University, Lai St. 40, Tartu 202400, Estonia Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Martin Zobel. Mätäs- ja painanneturpeen happi- ja lämpötilaoloista Kikeperan suolla Lounais-Eestissä.
English title: Aeration and temperature conditions in hummock and depression peat in Kikepera bog, south-western Estonia.
Avainsanat: peat; bog; hummock-depression variation; aeration; oxygen
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Aeration conditions in peat were studied in situ with the help of polycarbonate tubes filled with water and inserted into the soil at depths of 3—10, 13—20 and 28—35 cm. The study was carried out during the vegetation period 1986. Aeration conditions were more favourable in hummock peat, where the thickness of the better aerated layer was ca. 10 cm in June and September, and 20—30 cm in July and August. Aera-tion conditions in the upper 10 cm layer of depression peat only became favourable in July, while in deeper layers aeration conditions remained unfavourable. In September, after heavy rains, aeration conditions deteriorated in both hummock and depression peat. The oxygen content in mire water was higher in depression sites, which may be because of the inflow of surface water rich in oxygen. The temperature in the tubes was higher in upper layers of hummocks and deeper layers of depressions. In comparison with other sites (Filipendula forest type on gley soils, drained peat soils, hill pastures, pine forest on podzols), the aeration conditions in bog peat are considerably less favourable. Key words: peat, bog, hummock-depression variation, aeration, oxygen.
  • Zobel, Department of Botany and Ecology, Tartu State University Tartu 202400, Estonian SSR Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)

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