Artikkelit jotka sisältää sanan 'raised bog'

Kimmo Tolonen, Markku Suoknuuti. Keidassuon pintakuvioituksen muutokset viimeisten 82 vuoden aikana Pyhtään Munasuolla.
English title: Changes in the surface patterning in the raised bog Munasuo, SE Finland during the past 82 years.
Original keywords: keidassuo; kermi; kulju; allikko; ruoppakulju; välipinta; progressiivinen kehitys; ilmaston muutos; hiilen sidonta
English keywords: raised bog; mud-bottom hollow; mud-bottom pool; carbon sequestration; hummock ridge; progressive development of mire
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Työssä tarkastellaan tyypillisen kaakkoissuomalaisen laakiokeitaan, Pyhtään Munasuon, kasvillisuuden ja pintarakenteiden muutoksia 82 vuoden ajanjaksolla 1941–2022. Aineisto perustuu ilmakuviin ja maastohavaintoihin. Täydennyksenä esitetään muutamia havaintoja myös Munasuon itäpuolisen Valkmusan-Kananiemensuon suokompleksin alueelta. Pohdimme tekijöitä, jotka mahdollisesti selittävät havaittuja muutoksia. Työmme liittyy ajankohtaiseen tutkimukseen, jossa selvitetään ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutuksia soiden kasvillisuuteen.
Työssä käytetty ImageJ-ohjelmisto osoittautui käyttökelpoiseksi työkaluksi suoallikoiden, ruoppakuljujen ja keidassuon pintarakenteiden, kuljujen ja mättäiden, sekä suurempien puiden havaitsemiseen ilmakuvissa. Pintatopografiassa mättäät ja kermit osoittautuivat varsin pysyviksi, kun taas kuljuissa, ruoppakuljuissa ja allikoissa oli enemmän vaihtelua. Mättäiden rahkasammalten, erityisesti rusorahkasammalen (Sphagnum rubellum) suhteellisen peittävyyden lisääntyminen kuljusammallajiston kustannuksella sekä allikoiden avovesipinnan nopea pienentyminen saattaa osaltaan ilmentää hiilensidonnan merkittävää viimeaikaista kasvua Munasuon keidassuoekosysteemissä.

  • Tolonen, Sepänkatu 4 as 2, 24240 Salo Sähköposti:
  • Suoknuuti, Heinäkorvenkuja 146, 48910 Kotka Sähköposti:
Jarmo Laitinen, Sakari Rehell, Antti Huttunen, Teemu Tahvanainen. Suomen suosysteemit - erityistarkastelussa aapasuot ja niiden vedenvirtauskuviointi.
English title: Mire systems in Finland - special view to aapa mires and their water-flow pattern.
Avainsanat: mire classification; raised bog; aapa mire; groundwater; mire hydrology; aerial photograph interpretation; peatland morphology; slope fen
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An attempt is made in this paper to create two consistent mire typologies, i.e. 1) the Combined Finnish Mire Typology covering all possible mire areas in Finland and 2) the Mire Water Flow Typology for boreal, zonal mire systems, i.e. aapa mires and raised bogs. Furthermore, larger groundwater recharge-discharge patterns concerning mires and the biological significance of morphologic and hydrologic mire classifications are discussed. Zonal mire systems from raised bogs to aapa mires are described as a dominance-based continuum. Local mire systems are subdivided according to factors that impede the formation of mire massifs, which are the essential morphological units of zonal mire systems. Smaller-scale mire units for aapa mires and the acrotelmic flow pattern are presented on the basis of a typical mid-boreal aapa mire system with a raised bog, based on the aerial photograph interpretation. The discussion of the groundwater recharge-discharge pattern and the biological significance of morphologic and hydrologic mire classifications is based on literature.
  • Laitinen, University of Oulu, Department of Biology, Botany, P.O.Box 3000, FI-90014, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Rehell, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Huttunen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Tahvanainen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Mara Pakalne, Laimdota Kalnina. Latvian suot.
English title: Mires in Latvia.
Avainsanat: fens; raised bogs; Mire development
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Both minerotrophic (fens and transitional mires) and ombrotrophic (raised bogs) mires occur in Latvia. Distribution of mires and diversity of mire vegetation are determined by geology of area, origin of mires and climatic differences between coastal and continental parts of Latvia. Fens started to develop in the early Holocene in the Preboreal 10 000 years BP. Later, during the Atlantic many fens transformed into transitional mires and gradually into raised bogs. Today Latvian mires are represented by all these types and they cover 4.9% of the country. Mires are protected in the North Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve, National Parks (Slitere, Kemeri and Gauja), Strict Nature Reserves (TeiEi, Krustkalni and Gripi), Nature parks and 140 nature reserves, as well as in protected landscape areas.
  • Pakalne, Department of Botany and Ecology, university of Latvia, Kronvalda Boulevard 4, LV-1586, Riga, Latvia Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Kalnina, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Cécile Wastiaux, Lucien Halleux, René Scumacker, Maurice Streel, jean-Michel Jacqmotte. Development of the Hautes-Fagnes peat bogs (Belgium): new perspectives using ground-penetrating radar.
Avainsanat: raised bogs; ground-penetrating radar; Hautes-Fagnes
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A 800 ha area of drained peatlands in the Hautes-Fagnes (Belgium) was surveyed by means of a ground-penetrating radar and a global positioning system.The survey pro vided very accurate information about the subsurface relief and the thickness and extent of the peat deposit, as well as stratigraphical information and suggestions of possible links between subsurface, hydrology and present vegetation.
  • Wastiaux, Université de Liège, Station scientifique des Hautes-Fagnes, rue de Botrange, 137, B-4950 Robertville, Belgium Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Halleux, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Scumacker, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Streel, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Jacqmotte, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Ülle Valgma. Sadannan vaikutus vedenpinnan tasoon kohosuolla.
English title: Impact of precipitation on the water table level of different ombrotrophic raised bog complexes, central Estonia.
Avainsanat: precipitation; raised bog; water table level
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The impact of precipitation on the water table level of different complexes on an ombrotrophic raised bog during a year (long-term effect) and a rain shower (short-term effect) was investigated on the basis of the data collected in the Männikjärve raised bog, Central Estonia, over the period of 1956-1991. The regression analysis showed that the effect of precipitation on the mean annual level of the water table depended on the bog complex and time-span considered. In the long-term scale the mean annual water table level depended strongly on the water table level of the previous year. The yearly amount of precipitation affected the water table level of the current year less. These effects were greater in the central pool-ridge complex than in the marginal pine bog forest. On the short-term scale, prerainfall water level affected the water level rise less than the amount of rainfall. The water level rise depended on the prerainfall water level in the central part of the bog (R2 = 0.22), but not in the marginal pine bog forest (R2 = 0.04). The effect of rainfall was of greater importance, explaining as much as 67-75% of the variation in the water level rise.
  • Valgma, Institute of Ecology, Kevade St. 2, Tallinn, EE 0001, Estonia Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Pekka Salminen. Irlannin suot ja niiden suojelu.
English title: Irish mires and their conservation.
Avainsanat: Blanket bogs; Ireland; raised bogs
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Originally over 17 per cent of the land area of Ireland was covered by mires. The Irish and Scotch occurrences of blanket bogs are among the most important in the world. There have also been excellent raised bog areas especially in the low-lying central plateau of Ireland. Due to turf burning, peat extraction and drying of peatlands during hundreds of years, the occurrence of mires in their natural state is becoming rare. Only some 100 000 hectares of scientifically and conservationally valuable peatlands are remaining, which is less than 10 per cent of the total peatland area of the country. Increasing international and national pressures for mire conservation have forced the Irish government to define goals for national mire conservation. According to the programme, 10 000 ha of raised bogs (3.2% of the original raised bog areas) and 40 000 ha of blanket bogs (5.2% of the original blanket bog areas), as well as a couple of thousand hectares of the remnants of the rich open fens are to be preserved. Yet, there are not adequate preservation resources available. Only one-third of the mire protection goals have been achieved. Keywords: Blanket bogs, Ireland, raised bogs
  • Salminen, Ministry of Environment, P.O. Box 399, SF-00121 Helsinki, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)

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