Artikkelit jotka sisältää sanan 'fen'

Jarmo Laitinen, Jari Oksanen, Lauralotta Muurinen, Hanna Kondelin, Rauno Ruuhijärvi. Peräpohjolan rimpikoivulettojen, lähityyppien ja keskustavaikutteisten rimpilettojen tunnuslajit ja lajimäärä: analyysi klassisesta aineistosta.
English title: Diagnostic species and richness of wet rich birch fens, corresponding fens and rich flark fens in NBs Finland: analysis from a classic data.
Original keywords: ekologinen tulkinta; kasvillisuusluokittelu; sirppisammalrimpineva; kuirisammalrimpiletto
English keywords: ecological interpretation; vegetation classification; Warnstorfia exannulata fen; Calliergon richardsonii fen
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Testasimme Ruuhijärven (1960) klassisen kasvillisuusaineiston pohjalta Peräpohjolan aapasuoalueen mesotrofisten sirppisammalrimpinevojen (MeSsRiN), Richardsonii rimpilettojen (RicRiL), rimpisten koivulettojen (RiKoL) ja keskustavaikutteisten rimpilettojen (2 alatyyppiä, RevRiL, ScoRiL) luokit­telua klusterianalyysin avulla. Tyypeistä erityisesti Peräpohjolaan keskittyvät Richardsonii rimpiletot ovat huonosti tunnettuja. Kyseessä on pienen aineiston analyysi (noin 50 näytealaa). Ordinaation avulla tulkitsimme aineiston päävaihtelusuunnat ja erityishuomion kiinnitimme klusterianalyysin esiin tuomaan kasvillisuuden hierarkkiseen rakenteeseen ja lajimääriin. Klusterianalyysin testikasvil­lisuusyksiköt nimesimme yhdistäen kasvisosiologisen Braun-Blanquet luokittelun ja cajanderilaisten suotyyppien nimeämistavan piirteitä. Ennakkoluokitteluista riippumaton testiluokittelu osoittautui hyvin samanlaiseksi kuin näytealojen alkuperäinen luokittelu. Rimpistä koivulettoa ja Richardso­nii rimpilettoa lähinnä vastaavat klusterit muodostivat hierarkian alimman tason, jota kutsumme rimpikoivulettoryhmäksi. Richardsonii rimpilettoa vastaavan klusterin tunnuslajiksi saatiin kuitenkin lettokuirisammalen sijasta pohjansirppisammal Warnstorfia tundrae. Boreaalinen rimpikoivulettoryhmä, ja sen sisällä erityisesti Richardsonii rimpilettoa vastaava klusteri, osoittautui Suomen pohjoisboreaalisten aapa- ja palsasoiden rimpinevojen- ja lettojen lajirikkaimmaksi habitaatiksi Ruuhijärven (1960) aineiston perusteella. Lajirikkaudelle löydettiin kasvimaantieteellinen selitys. Tutkimus toi kaksi aineistollista näkökohtaa kysymykseen, onko Richardsonii rimpiletto rimpisestä koivuletosta erillisenä noteerattava kasvillisuusyksikkö pelkän pohja-, kenttä- ja pensaskerroksen lajikoostumuksen perusteella tarkasteltuna. (1) Aineistosta puuttuu tunnettu suursaravaltainen kasvillisuustapaus, joka vaikeuttaa yksikköjen varmaa määrittelyä tällä hetkellä, samoin raja luhtaisempaan kasvillisuuteen on osin auki. (2) Ruuhijärven nykyisestä aineistosta tehty analyysi kuitenkin tuo rimpistä koivulettoa ja Richardsonii-rimpilettoa vastaavien klustereiden välille ekologisesti tulkittavan eron, mikä saattaa viitata kahteen alatyyppiin tai varianttiin. Sen sijaan rimpiset koivuletot ja Richardsonii-rimpiletot/ kuirisammalrimpiletot ovat analyysin perusteella kasvillisuudeltaan kaukana keskustavaikutteisista rimpiletoista (ScoRiL, RevRiL), mikä saattaisi olla hyvä ottaa jollakin tavalla huomioon myös uhanal­aisuutta haarukoivassa luontotyyppiluokittelussa.

  • Laitinen, Ekologian ja genetiikan laitos, Oulun yliopisto (kasvimuseo), Kaitoväylä 5, 90570 Oulu Sähköposti:
  • Oksanen, Kasvimuseo, PL 7, 00014 Helsingin yliopisto Sähköposti:
  • Muurinen, Ekologian ja genetiikan laitos, Oulun yliopisto (kasvimuseo), Kaitoväylä 5, 90570 Oulu Sähköposti:
  • Kondelin, Tavastilankatu 8 B 10, 20610 Turku Sähköposti:
  • Ruuhijärvi, Pyytie 3, 01450 Vantaa Sähköposti:
Jarmo Laitinen, Sakari Rehell, Antti Huttunen, Teemu Tahvanainen. Suomen suosysteemit - erityistarkastelussa aapasuot ja niiden vedenvirtauskuviointi.
English title: Mire systems in Finland - special view to aapa mires and their water-flow pattern.
Avainsanat: mire classification; raised bog; aapa mire; groundwater; mire hydrology; aerial photograph interpretation; peatland morphology; slope fen
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An attempt is made in this paper to create two consistent mire typologies, i.e. 1) the Combined Finnish Mire Typology covering all possible mire areas in Finland and 2) the Mire Water Flow Typology for boreal, zonal mire systems, i.e. aapa mires and raised bogs. Furthermore, larger groundwater recharge-discharge patterns concerning mires and the biological significance of morphologic and hydrologic mire classifications are discussed. Zonal mire systems from raised bogs to aapa mires are described as a dominance-based continuum. Local mire systems are subdivided according to factors that impede the formation of mire massifs, which are the essential morphological units of zonal mire systems. Smaller-scale mire units for aapa mires and the acrotelmic flow pattern are presented on the basis of a typical mid-boreal aapa mire system with a raised bog, based on the aerial photograph interpretation. The discussion of the groundwater recharge-discharge pattern and the biological significance of morphologic and hydrologic mire classifications is based on literature.
  • Laitinen, University of Oulu, Department of Biology, Botany, P.O.Box 3000, FI-90014, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Rehell, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Huttunen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Tahvanainen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Pirita Oksanen, Minna Väliranta. Palsasuot muuttuvassa ilmastossa.
English title: Palsa mires in a changing climate.
Original keywords: Holoseeni; hiilen kierto; Fennoskandia; Pohjois-Venäjä; palsa; ikirouta; kasvimakrofossiili; radiohiiliajoitus
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Tämä artikkeli käsittelee kirjoittajien uusimpia palsasuotutkimuksia Venäjällä Komin tasavallassa ja Nenetsian alueella sekä Suomen Lapissa. Tutkimusten tarkoituksena oli selvittää palsasoiden kasvillisuutta ja dynamiikkaa. Lisäksi verrattiin palsasoiden historiallista dynamiikkaa holoseenin (11 500 vuotta) ilmastonmuutoksiin ja pohditaan ikiroutaa sisältävien soiden tulevaisuutta hiilen kertymisen ja ilmakehään vapautumisen näkökulmasta. Ikiroutadynamiikassa tapahtuneita muutoksia tutkittiin kasvimakrofossiilianalyysin ja radiohiiliajoituksen avulla. Hiilen kertymistä ikiroutasoiden turpeeseen tutkittiin hiilipitoisuusanalyysilla. Historiallisten kasviyhdyskuntien tulkinnan tueksi tutkimuspaikkojen nykyistä kasvillisuutta kartoitettiin otantamenetelmällä. Vaikka yhtään varsinaista ikiroudan läsnäoloa osoittavaa nk. positiivista indikaattorilajia ei löytvnyt, voitiin osoittaa, että historiallista ikiroutadynamiikkaa on mahdollista tulkita kasvillisuudessa tapahtuneiden muutosten avulla, sillä tietynlaiset muutokset kasviyhdyskunnissa ovat tyypillisiä erilaisissa ikiroutaympäristöissä ja suon kehitysvaiheissa. Tulkintaa kuitenkin usein vaikeuttaa samanlaisten kasviyhdyskuntien esiintyminen myos ikiroudattomilla suotyypeilla sekä mahdolliset eroosion aiheuttamat katkokset turvekertymissä. Monet nk. negatiiviset indikaattorilajit, jotka eivät koskaan esiinny ikiroudan yhteydessä, ovat kuitenkin erityisen käyttökelpoisia ikiroutadynamiikkaa tutkittaessa. Yleistäen voidaan todeta, että ikiroutadynamiikassa tapahtuneet muutokset sopivat hyvin yhteen aiempien holoseenin ilmastorekonstruktioiden kanssa; ikiroudan muodostuminen on ollut aktiivisinta viileiden ilmastovaiheiden aikana. Lisäksi ikirouta-alueen maantieteellinen laajuus on pienentynyt viimeisten noin 150 vuoden aikana. Soitten ikiroutakumpuja, palsoja, alkoi Euroopassa muodostua viimeistaan noin 3000 vuotta sitten Pohjois-Venäjalla ja noin 2500 vuotta sitten Fennoskandiassa. On kuitenkin todennäköistä, että ikiroutaa on soihin muodostunut myos näita ajankohtia aiemmin. Ikiroutaisiin soihin sitoutuneet hiilen määrät vastaavat keskimäärin pohjoisten ikiroudattomien soiden arvoja. Arvot kuitenkin vaihtelevat suuresti (0-100 g C m-2 a-1) hydrologisista ja ikiroutaoloista riippuen
  • Oksanen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Väliranta, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Klaus Silfverberg, Marja-Liisa Seväkivi. Kavillisuus puutomana pidetyllä metsäojitusalueella.
English title: Vegetation on an artificially treeless drained mire.
Avainsanat: Drainage; low sedge fen; Oulu; power transmission line; treeless mire. Vegetation
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In this study the vegetation composition of a drained mire that was partly forested and partly kept treeless was compared. The study site was a low sedge fen near the town Oulu in west central Finland. Drainage was carried out in the 1930s. A power transmission line was drawn through the fen in 1956. The area under the line was kept treeless through repeated cleanings. In summer 2004 the vegetation was inventoried on a study area half of which was on the treeless and half on the forested part. The forested and treeless parts were similar with respect to mire site type, depth of peat layer and efficiency of drainage. Therefore the effect of the tree stand on the vegetation on the forested part was obvious. The secondary succession of the vegetation had been significantly slower on the treeless part. Practically no forest moss species, but also fewer Sphagnum moss species were found on the treeless part. On the other hand, a number of sedge-like plants were found only there. With regard to species number and coverage, the largest group was dwarf shrubs, especially on the forested part.
  • Silfverberg, Metsäntutkimuslaitos, Vantaan toimintayksikkö (Finnish Forest Research Institute, P.O. Box 18) PL 18, FIN- 01301 Vantaa, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Seväkivi, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Jukka Turunen. Luonnontilaisten soiden pitkänajan- ja nykykertymät boreaalisella ja subarktisella kasvillisuusvyöhykkeellä: katsaus.
English title: Past and present carbon accumulation in undisturbed boreal and subarctic mires: a review.
Avainsanat: fens; climate change; carbon accumululation; bogs; boreal region; subarctic region; Holocene
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This review integrates the results from several recent studies on carbon (C) accumulation in undisturbed boreal and subarctic mire ecosystems in Finland, Sweden, Russia, Canada, and USA. Generally, a large variation in the average long-term apparent rate of carbon accumulation (LORCA) has been found among mires based on the mire type, age and geographical location. The differences in LORCA between the raised bog region and the aapa mire regions were found to be significant. The updated LORCA for undrained boreal and subarctic mire regions has been estimated at 13–20 g C m–2 a–1 throughout the Holocene, which is clearly lower than previous estimates for these northern mire regions. The age of the peat column is an important predictor of C accumulation and has to be taken into account when comparing results. The results indicate a rapid mire expansion in southern Finland from ca. 10 500 to 8500 cal. year BP, from 5000 to 3000 cal. year BP and around 2000 cal. year BP. In northern Finland the extensive mire expansion occurred from ca. 10500 to 8000 cal. year BP. The recent apparent rate of C accumulation (RERCA) in boreal and subarctic mire regions over the past 100 to 200 years ranges from 30 to 120 g C m-2 a-1. The future C balance scheme of mires is also briefly discussed. Key words: carbon accumulation, bogs, fens, boreal region, subarctic region, Holocene, climate change
  • Turunen, Geological Survey of Finland, Kuopio Unit, P.O. Box 1237, 70211 Kuopio, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Mara Pakalne, Laimdota Kalnina. Latvian suot.
English title: Mires in Latvia.
Avainsanat: fens; raised bogs; Mire development
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Both minerotrophic (fens and transitional mires) and ombrotrophic (raised bogs) mires occur in Latvia. Distribution of mires and diversity of mire vegetation are determined by geology of area, origin of mires and climatic differences between coastal and continental parts of Latvia. Fens started to develop in the early Holocene in the Preboreal 10 000 years BP. Later, during the Atlantic many fens transformed into transitional mires and gradually into raised bogs. Today Latvian mires are represented by all these types and they cover 4.9% of the country. Mires are protected in the North Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve, National Parks (Slitere, Kemeri and Gauja), Strict Nature Reserves (TeiEi, Krustkalni and Gripi), Nature parks and 140 nature reserves, as well as in protected landscape areas.
  • Pakalne, Department of Botany and Ecology, university of Latvia, Kronvalda Boulevard 4, LV-1586, Riga, Latvia Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Kalnina, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Ryszard Oleszczuk, Jan Szatylowicz, Tomasz Brandyk, Tomasz Gnatowski. An analysis of the influence of shrinkage on water retention characteristics of fen peat-moorsh soil.
Avainsanat: shrinkage; moisture retention characteristic; fen peat
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The paper presents the results of laboratory-and field-measured soil moisture retention characteristics for different layers in peat-moorsh soil developed from a fen.Field de termination was based on the measurements of the moisture content and pressure head values performed on undisturbed soil columns during a drying process.Laboratory measurements were performed with sand table and pressure chambers.In order to ob tain moisture retention characteristics related to actual volumetric moisture content, the shrinkage characteristics were measured for different soil layers.The comparison of the laboratory and field measured moisture retention characteristics showed that the results of field measurements were very close to those of laboratory measurements, expressed in terms of fictitious volumetric moisture content.This expression of water content based on initial soil volume provides a better estimation of differential water capacity.
  • Oleszczuk, Department of Environmental Development and Land Improvement, Warsaw Agricultural University, ul. Nowoursynowska 166, 02-787 Warsaw, Poland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Szatylowicz, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Brandyk, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Gnatowski, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Juha-Pekka Hotanen, Hannu Nousiainen, Päivi Paalamo. Kasvillisuuden sukkessio ja monimuotoisuus Teuravuoman koeojitusalueella Pohjois-Suomessa.
English title: Vegetation succession and diversity on Teuravuoma experimental drainage area in northern Finland.
Avainsanat: fen; aapa mire; compositional gradients; FUPGMA classification; GNMDS ordination; peatland vegetation
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This case study deals with the effects of forest drainage on six mire site types represented by 33 permanent sample plots within a Finnish aapa mire complex located in north boreal vegetation zone. We analysed the main compositional gradients, the abundances of plant species and the diversity of vegetation. The vegetation descriptions were made about at the time of drainage in 1933 and after that in 1943, 1950 and 1994. The forest drainage emphasized the importance of spruce mire and hummock-level bog influences (mire margin and mire expanse effects respectively) in controlling the structure of plant communities. The change of plant community was greatest on fertile mire site types, also spruce mire influence promoted the secondary succession. As expected, the shallow-rooted and/or demanding flark-level vascular plants and (eutrophic) fen mosses had not been able to adapt to the ground water level drawdown. At first, after drainage, species number, Shannon's H' and Simpson's D increased: many mire species of hummock and intermediate level microsites had increased while also pioneer and forest species had colonized the plots. By 1994, however, as the mire species were decreasing these measures had turned to decline except on the (most) infertile site types. Pielou's J' and the evenness based on D reacted vaguely, decreasing a little, though, from 1933 to 1994. Thus, in such cases the dominance in the vegetation had increased. The beta-diversity describing here the differences between plant communities (or site types) decreased along with the hydrological conditions becoming more uniform after drainage.
  • Hotanen, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Joensuu Research Station, P.O.Box 68, FIN-80101 Joensuu, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Nousiainen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Paalamo, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Tapani Sallantaus. Leaching in the material balance of peatlands — preliminary results.
Avainsanat: bog; fen; hydrology; hydrochemistry
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The hydrology and hydrochemistry of Lakkasuo (Orivesi, central Finland) was studied for a 12-month period (September 1991-August 1992). Results from four monitored catchments in Lakkasuo are presented. The catchments represent a bog and a fen, both in the natural state and as drained for forestry 30 years ago. In the relatively wet study period (runoff 414 mm for the undrained bog), the catchments released 8.0-16.6 g m-2 of organic carbon (mainly dissolved) into runoff waters. All the catchments retained total N and sulphate provided by deposition or groundwater very effectively (65-80% and 52-72%, respectively); undrained catchments retained also total P. The net output rates of all the elements except H+ were greater from the drained catchments compared with the undrained ones. The leaching rates of Mg and Ca from the drained catchments were great compared with the pool of these elements in the surface peat, whereas the K pool is more effectively retained and added to by deposition. Keywords: Bog, fen, hydrochemistry, hydrology
  • Sallantaus, National Board of Waters and the Environment, Water and Environment District of Tampere, P.O. Box 297, FIN-30I0I Tampere, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
Tormod Lien, Pertti Martikainen, Hannu Nykänen, Lars Bakken. Methane oxidation and methane fluxes in two drained peat soils.
Avainsanat: bog; fen; temperature; water level
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Methane production and consumption in drained minerotrophic and ombrotrophic peat was investigated using a combination of field measurement and laboratory incubations. In the field, methane fluxes were measured at intervals over a seven (minerotrophic) and ten (ombrotrophic) month period together with measurements of methane concentrations and temperature at various depths. In the laboratory, aerobic incubations of drained peat samples from various depths were conducted over a range of temperatures to determine rates of potential methane oxidation. The maximum potential methane oxidation rate occurred at a depth close to that of the water table. The oxidation rate was much higher in the ombrotrophic peat than in the minerotrophic peat. However, field measured methane fluxes were lower in the minerotrophic peat. This is attributed to a relatively low water table. Methane oxidation increased over the temperature range 2 to 30°C and decreased at temperatures >34°C. Methane production in the aerobic incubation experiment was measured by inhibition of methane oxidation with dimethyl ether. Production rates were only 1-7% of net oxidation rates. Thus, the measured net rates of methane absorption in aerobic incubations largely reflect gross oxidation rates. Keywords: Bog, fen, temperature, water level
  • Lien, Department of Biotechnological Sciences, Agricultural University of Norway, P.O. Box 5040, N-I432 Aas, Norway Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Martikainen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Nykänen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Bakken, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
André-Jean Francez, Jean-Jacques Bignon, Anne-Marie Mollet. Ranskan suot ja niiden käyttö.
English title: The peatlands in France: localization, characteristics, use and conservation.
Avainsanat: agriculture; bog; peat utilization; fen
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We find in France two main peatlands-types: topogenous Carex-fens, in the north and east of the country, and ombrogenous Sphagnum-bogs, in the medium montanes. In total, there are about 100 000 ha peatlands which correspond to a volume of 2 x 109 m3. The amount of extracted peat in France was, in the eighties, 200 000 t (dry matter). Peat is essentially used as fuel or, mixed with German or Soviet peat, as soilless substrates. The fens of the floodplains have long been used for market gardening (tradition of 'hortillonnages' in Amiens or Bourges). Two national surveys were made during energy crises, during the Second World War and at the end of the 1970s following the oil shortage. The law of July 1976 on the preservation of the countryside lists 19 peatlands plant species that are nationally protected. Ten peatlands have been classified as nature reserves and two projects are in preparation. Keywords: agriculture, bog, fen, peat utilization
  • Francez, C.ER.E.M.CA., rue du Tisserand, Rouil-las-Bas, F-63 970 Aydat, France Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Bignon, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Mollet, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
Anneli Ylimartimo. Lapin kolmion lettoisista soista.
English title: The rich fens of the Lapland triangle region.
Avainsanat: fens; peatland drainage; endangered species; conservation
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The Lapland triangle region, located between the lower courses of the rivers Tornion-joki and Kemijoki in NW-Finland covers an area of 3500 km2. The region is renowed for its concentration of rich fen mire site types, including Campylium stellatum — Limprichtia intermedia — rich fens, eutrophic flark fens, eutrophic birch fens, eutrophic pine mires and eutrophic spruce mires. Peatlands cover about 60 % of the total land area of the region. By the end of the 1970's some 90 % of the area of rich fens had been drained and utilized for cultivation and forestry purposes and several plant species had become endangered. Although some 20 sites have been listed for conservation, enforcement so far has been very limited. Keywords: fens, peatland drainage, endangered species, conservation.
  • Ylimartimo, Department of Silviculture, University of Helsinki, Unioninkatu 40 B, SF-00I70, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)

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