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Harri Vasander (email)

Keidasrämeen kasvibiomassa ja tuotos

Vasander H. Keidasrämeen kasvibiomassa ja tuotos.

English title: Plant biomass and production in an ombrotrophic raised bog


The total plant biomass and production was studied in the eccentric raised bog Laaviosuo, Lammi, southern Finland in 1977 and 1978. For the study of field and ground layers the surface of the bog was divided into different plant communities: high hummocks, low hummocks, upper hollows, moist hollows and wet hollows with the proportions of 56.9, 17.3, 8.5, 10.5 and 6.8 % of the studied area (21 ha). For the material and methods see Lindholm & Vasander 1979, 1981, Vasander 1981 a, b. The total biomass of the bog was 1170.5 g/m2 and the total annual production 381.8 g/m2. The proportions of aboveground parts were 61 and 62 % respectively. Biomass proportions were: trees and seedlings 41 %, field layer 39 % and ground layer 20 %. Corresponding values for the total annual production were 10, 55 and 35 % (Fig. 1). In the hummocks the dominating species were dwarf shrubs and in the hollows, different Sphagnum species (Table 1). The total production of the studied bog was of similar magnitude as measured earlier in ombrot-rophic mire site types (Bacilevich 1967, Kosonen 1981) or somewhat smaller (P'yavchenko 1967, Kozlovskaya et al. 1978) due mainly to the differences in the ground layer values.

  • Vasander, Sähköposti ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)

Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1981

Katselukerrat 950

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