Termogravimetrian käyttömahdollisuudet polttoainetutkimuksissa. Osa II. Eri turvelajien pyrolyysin kinetiikasta
Tummavuori J., Venäläinen H., Nyrönen T. Termogravimetrian käyttömahdollisuudet polttoainetutkimuksissa. Osa II. Eri turvelajien pyrolyysin kinetiikasta.
English title: The usability of the thermogravimetry in fuel research. Part II. On the kinetics of different peat typesTiivistelmä
The research work of the pyrolysis of the fossil fuels before the increase of the oil consumption was mainly directed to the tar, coke and gas obtained from the coal and to their use as energy and material sources of the industry. The interest to the further investigations has revived with the increase in the oil price. This is shown, for instance, with the thermogravimetric investigations lately performed by several scientists. The thermogravimetric investigations of wood and its components are performed in order to improve the fire re-tardant properties of wood, but forgetting the possibilities to use wood as an energy source or to refine its pyrolysis products. The comparison between various investigations is difficult due to the different instrumental and technical methods involved. The sample materials differ markedly by the virtue of their geographical locations. This is why we have performed the investigations of some domestic solid fuels in equal conditions in order to get comparable results. During the pyrolysis peat acts as an inhomogenous material making it difficult to monitore the pyrolysis products without a careful selection of the starting material. The pyrolysis of willow, alder and birch in different conditions are very identical and the whole pyrolysis is quite simple, since e.g. the tar content is very low. The preparation of liquid fuels (e.g. methanol) from hard wood species is easier than from peat. Also, the low ash content of the wood in an advantage.Fig 4 shows that the organic components in the mixture pyrolyze independently. The wet carbonization of peat makes it burn faster but pyrolyze slower.
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1978
Katselukerrat 1940
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