Turpeen rikkipitoisuuden määrittäminen lyijy (II) — selektiivisen elektrodin avulla
Korhonen J., Nyrönen T., Lehtovaara J. Turpeen rikkipitoisuuden määrittäminen lyijy (II) — selektiivisen elektrodin avulla.
English title: Determination of sulfur content of peat using the lead (II) -selective electrodeTiivistelmä
The lead (Il)-electrode has been recognized as a reliable and rapid tool for sulfur determinations. Its use is based on the detection of the lead ions while titrating with lead perchlorate. The range of applications varies from the waste water sulphate determinations to the microdeterminations of sulfur in petroleum products (Goertzen, 1972, Ross 1969, Heistand, 1972, Hicks, 1974). In this study, we have employed the lead (Il)-electrode to the sulfur determination of peat. The principal idea was to connect the sulfur determination of peat to the calorific value measurement performed according to the DIN 51900. The main interference for the lead (II) -electrode is the phosphate ion. Since phosphorus-sulfur weight ratio in finnish peat usually lies between 0.1—0.2, we investigated with known samples the interference caused by the phosphate. The results show that no significant errors are involved. The comparative determinations of sulfur in peat samples were performed at VTT (The State Technical Research Center, Helsinki). The method, either used solely to the sulfur determinations or combined with the calorific value measurement offers a rapid and reasonably precise way to determine the sulfur content of peat.
Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1978
Katselukerrat 1974
Saatavilla http://suo.fi/article/9481 | Lataa PDF