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Juha-Pekka Hotanen (email)

Tuhka- ja NPK-lannoituksen lyhyen aikavalin vaikutuksista änkyrimatoihin kahdella vanhalla ojitusalueella Itä-Suomessa

Hotanen J.-P. Tuhka- ja NPK-lannoituksen lyhyen aikavalin vaikutuksista änkyrimatoihin kahdella vanhalla ojitusalueella Itä-Suomessa.

English title: Short-term effects of ash and NPK fertilization on Enchytraeidae populations in two old, drained peatland areas in eastern Finland


The short-terms effects of wood ash and NPK fertilizer on the population of Enchytraeidae worms in a drained spruce swamp and pine bog were studied. Both NPK fertilizer (300 kg/ha) and ash (3000 kg/ha) treatments reduced worm numbers at both sites, but the effects were slight compared to seasonal fluctuations. Temporal fluctuations in worm numbers were relatively smaller at the pine bog than at the spruce swamp. NPK fertilizer temporarily changed the relative vertical distribution while tha ash treatment did not. The effects upon worm biomass and respiration rate were similar as those for worm numbers . Key words: Enchytraeidae, NPK fertilization, ash fertilization, drained peatlands

Enchytraeidae; NPK fertilization; ash fertilization; drained peatlands

  • Hotanen, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Joensuu Research Station, Yliopistonkatu 7, SF-80100 Joensuu, Finland Sähköposti ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)

Vastaanotettu 31.10.2017 Julkaistu 1.1.1986

Katselukerrat 1301

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