Artikkelit jotka sisältää sanan 'forest fertilization'

Risto Lauhanen, Mikko Moilanen, Klaus Silfverberg, Heikki Takamaa, Jorma Issakainen. Puutuhkalannoituksen kannattavuus eräissä ojitusaluemänniköissä.
English title: The profitability of wood ash-fertilizing of drained peatland Scots pine stands.
Avainsanat: Scots pine; wood ash; forest fertilization; internal rate of return; net present value; stem volume
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The profitability of wood ash-fertilizing (5-16 t ha-1) of four drained peatland Scots pine stands in central Finland was investigated. The profitability of forest drainage alone and forest drainage plus ash-fertilization was compared. After 44-56 years, the wood ash-fertilization had increased mean productivity by 3.1-12.1 m3 ha-1 a-1. Using an interest rate of 3 % and without subsidies, the net present value of the stands was 2500-20300 FIM ha-1 higher as a result of the ash-fertilization than the value given by forest drainage alone. The real internal rate of return due to ash-fertilization without subsidies was 3.7-9.3 %. The interest rate, the fertilization dose and related costs, and the stumpage prices affected profitability. The state forest improvement subsidies further increased the profitablity of ash-fertilization. Key words: forest fertilization, internal rate of return, net present value, Scots pine, stem volume, wood ash
  • Lauhanen, The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Kannus Research Station, FIN-69100 Kannus, Finland Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo (sähköposti)
  • Moilanen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Silfverberg, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Takamaa, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo
  • Issakainen, Sähköposti: ei.tietoa@nn.oo

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